February 14, 2020

Public consultation: Update to GWO Requirements

Feedback wanted: Draft of new requirements available for download and review

GWO has opened a public consultation before its next major update to the Requirements for Training Providers and Requirements for Certification Bodies.

The new versions have been published in draft and can be downloaded below.

DOWNLOAD - Draft Requirements for Certification Bodies Version 7
DOWNLOAD - Draft Requirements for Training Providers Version 9
Give us your feedback

We want as much feedback from stakeholders as possible about the updated requirements. These documents will govern the certification bodies auditing GWO training providers, and the rules that must be followed to deliver GWO training in a compliant way.

If you have comments about the update, please take a moment to complete this short questionnaire. The deadline for responses is 1700 CEST on 6th March 2020.

QUESTIONNAIRE - Draft Requirements for Certification Bodies Version 7
QUESTIONNAIRE - Draft Requirements for Training Providers Version 9

What's changing?

The updated versions will be published on 1st April 2020. The current versions will remain valid for a period of six months before being withdrawn on 1st October 2020.

A number of key changes have been developed for the new versions. These are highlighted below:

GWO Requirements for Certification Bodies Version 7 - new features
  1. Auditor Qualification Training becomes mandatory from 1st April 2021
  2. Auditors to send full reports to GWO from initial audits, surveillance audits and re-audits
  3. Definitions on non-conformances
  4. Clarification of having witnessed and verified the quality of training at all training sites audited
  5. Update of section on multi-site audits


GWO Requirements for Training Providers Version 9 - new features
  1. Added and combined GWO standards general section into the criteria
  2. Improved requirements for incident reporting
  3. Incident reporting guideline
  4. Update to descriptions of training settings (fixed, mobile, on-site)