Audit & Compliance

Fair Use Policy

All Global Wind Organisation’s corporate visual identity (CVI) materials are the property of Global Wind Organisation unless otherwise specified. All intellectual property rights are reserved. The GWO logo (and logo device) are trademarked global.

General Permission

The use of GWO CVI is permitted within terms described within GWO Fair Use Policy

Permission to make digital or hard copies of (or extracts from) GWO materials for personal or small audience use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies are unchanged and clearly bear the full citation: copyright, Global Wind Organisation, You do not need to request permission to use the GWO training standards or requirements documents in connection with certification business.

Copying for other than personal or small audience use is restricted

To copy otherwise, to republish, to post on other servers, or to redistribute material requires prior specific permission and may be subject to a fee. All requests for permission must be sent to [email protected] detailing the exact material, how the material requested will appear, including type of work and title, names and affiliations of all contributing authors and editors, content of work, distribution plans (where, when and how many copies), and any other relevant information.

GWO Fair Use Policy Use of Logos and Badges (With Special Relevance to GWO Certified Training Providers)

GWO grants certified training providers and other members of its community a non-exclusive right to fair use of GWO’s corporate visual identity (CVI), including logos, badges, corporate colours, fonts, and styles, solely for purposes of advertising, promotion, and/or communication within the following guidelines.

Firstly, the use of GWO’s CVI should not in any way mislead or create confusion (i) regarding the ownership of the logo (and badges) and/or (ii) the nature of the relationship between the training provider/community member and GWO.

Secondly, the extent and manner of the use of GWO's CVI must be proportional and not undermine the distinctiveness of the logo or GWO’s own CVI or published or digital materials.

Further, the training provider/community member is not entitled to use GWO's CVI in connection with any purpose other than promotion of and/or communication related to the training courses and sites, and the training provider/community member must ensure that any use of GWO's CVI is in accordance with GWO's current design guidelines.  

Finally, 'fair use' does not grant the training provider/community member any ownership rights to the logo, badges GWO's CVI or any other intellectual property rights owned by GWO, and GWO retains full ownership and control over its logo, badges, CVI and other intellectual property rights.

Compliance with Fair Use Policy

Compliance with these principles ensures that GWO community can incorporate the GWO logo while respecting intellectual property rights, copyright, trademarks while maintaining transparency. If the training provider/community member does not comply to these principles, GWO shall have the sole right to withdraw the training providers/community member rights to use the GWO's CVI, badges and logo. The training provider/community member’s right to use GWO's CVI, logo and badges shall lapse immediately if the training provider/community member is no longer certified by GWO and/or the training provider/community member fails to pay the annual licensing fee (if applicable). The use of GWO CVI by community members, not subject to a licensing fee (such as instructors' use of the IQ Badge) is limited by the general principles of fair use.

Limitation of Use
Fraudulent use may put trained persons at risk and is considered a very serious matter. Global Wind Organisation will enforce its intellectual property rights to the fullest extent of the law, including the seeking of criminal prosecution.