Award winners must demonstrate how you have placed this at the heart of your training
Innovation lies at the heart of the wind industry. It is a young industry, always looking to progress, develop new technologies and bring the benefits of wind power to millions more people.
That means innovation should be hard-wired into the culture of training and safety too.
You may have responded to those technological advances with fresh training programmes, infused with new ideas. You may have identified a gap in the market and developed new programmes to fill it. Innovation may take the form of new ideas for delivering training programmes, making them more engaging, relevant and, crucially, memorable.
The challenges of delivering training when faced with restrictions imposed by the Covid-19 pandemic have also inspired many creative, highly innovative solutions such as online delivery and virtual classrooms.
You do not have to have all of these elements. Just one, done well and which has made an impact will make your entry stand out.
“Safety training is about giving people the right tools to keep themselves and those dependent on them safe, so ask yourselves how you have improved those tools. Set out for us what your objectives were, and how you went about achieving them. And don’t forget to tell us how you measured the success of your innovation. Nice ideas that don’t work are not going to impress the judges”, says Neil Pickthall, Vice Chair of the GWO Training Committee and GWO Safety & Training Awards judge.
Part of the mission of the GWO Training & Safety Awards is to keep the wind industry moving forward which is why we have placed innovation at the heart of the awards criteria.
As with everything else in your entry, do not assume that the judging panel will be familiar with all of your innovations. Describe them and evidence them.