As part of GWO’s regular revisioning and updating of its existing standards portfolio, 24th June 2024 marks the republishing of four standards: Service Lift Standard, Basic Technical Training Standard (BTT-B), Basic Safety Training Standard (BST-FA) and Basic Safety Training Standard Refresher (BST-FAR).
As part of GWO’s regular revisioning and updating of its existing standards portfolio, 24th June 2024 marks the republishing of four standards: Service Lift Standard (formerly known as Lift Training Standard), Basic Technical Training Standard (BTT-B), Basic Safety Training Standard (BST-FA) and Basic Safety Training Standard Refresher (BST-FAR). Details of the changes included in these standards updates are available below. Moreover, each standard contains its own change log which documents all changes in its history. GWO recommends that training providers and all users carefully consult the standards, as Service Lift contains more than 600 changes.
Originally launched in 2022, the new version (V4) offers a step change in this three-module technical standard. This follows a twelve-month review by a working group composed of subject matter experts drawn from training providers, equipment manufacturers and GWO members. Industry safety bodies, regulators and feedback from across the community all provided review references, which included the GWO public review of a draft in January 2024. Following a series of important changes agreed across the document, in the wake of this draft, the Service Lift Standard document includes a change log which describes the most significant changes on a lesson-by-lesson basis. GWO recommends that training providers and all users carefully consult the standards, as Service Lift contains more than 600 changes.
Julie Brown, Head of Training Development at GWO, remarked:
The extensive community engagement GWO has undertaken during this review process has paid dividends, in terms of a more globally applicable standard for the increasing number of participants needing this training as turbine environments grow in scale. The latest version of the Service Lift Standard brings with it a range of benefits for training providers, such as the enhanced clarity around core concepts, learning activities and technical topics.
The three related module names have also changed:
1. ‘Lift User Module’ has become ‘Service Lift User Module’ (SLU).
2. The ‘Lift Commission & Inspection Module’ (LCI) has become ‘Service Lift Inspection and Maintenance Module’ (SLIM).
3. Lift Commission, Inspection, Installation and Maintenance Module’ (LCIIM) has become ‘Service Lift Installation, Inspection and Repair Module’ (SLIIR).
GWO has also changed:
• a significant proportion of learning objectives and content, which now combine in a new form of observable learning activities.
• the format of lessons, with the addition of short, formative, post-evaluation questionnaires for lessons with practical aspects.
The result of the amalgamation of learning objectives and content means that the Service Lift Standard includes 35% fewer total standard learning objectives. Nevertheless, this new version retains the taxonomic ambition of the previous learning objectives.
The following changes appear in the BTT-B:
• clarifications on the use of safety handles in sections 4 & 5 and annexes.
• punctuation and formatting changes.
This includes punctuation and formatting changes.
Please visit GWO training standards to download the updated version of these standards.
In addition, join us for an overview of the updated standard and modules in our upcoming webinar, followed by a Q&A session.
LIFT Webinar - 16th Aug 2024 - 09:00 CET (UTC +1) Zoom link here