March 10, 2021

GWO Basic Technical Training Standard Update

The GWO Basic Technical Training Standard has completed its latest review and version 6.0 will be launched on April 6, 2021.

The BTT standard consists of four course modules: Mechanical, Electrical, Hydraulic and Installation and by the beginning of 2021, more than 10,000 technicians from 27 countries around the world held a valid GWO BTT record in WINDA.  

A working group of subject matter experts from GWO member companies and certified training providers has been hard at work reviewing the learning objectives and lesson elements of each course module, resulting in several changes which reflect the dynamic risk environment encountered by wind turbine technicians.  

Christian Munck Jørgensen, Training Project Manager at GWO led the working group. He explains: “One of the first updates you will notice is to the equipment lists. These were considered not specific enough to ensure an appropriate minimum standard for the quality of the learning experience for BTT participants. The working group also added a greater safety emphasis on the safe use of hydraulic tools and the correct use of pressure charts for those tools to improve quality.  
“It is this kind of attention to detail that helps us deliver genuine improvements and a real safety benefit to the workforce and their employers,” added Christian.

Thank you to our Basic Technical Training working group participants

Global Wind Organisation would like to thank our members and subject matter experts for providing considerable time and resources in delivering this complex project on time for the benefit of our industry.

  • Grzegorz (Greg) Marcinkiewicz, European Wind Academy
  • Paul White, Maersk Training
  • Kenny Mano Brodersen, RelyOn Nutec
  • Andrea Romanos, Total HSE
  • Steve Harrison, AIS
  • Mariusz Cnota, Global Wind Consulting  

Existing versions of training standards will continue to be available for a period of three months.


The GWO Secretariat will shortly host two webinars to provide guidance and take questions from stakeholders. Please follow the links below to sign up.