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Global Wind Workforce Outlook 2021-2025
Andrea scassola
By Andrea Scassola
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May 31, 2021

Global Wind Workforce Outlook 2021-2025

The Global Wind Workforce Outlook 2021-2025 finds that we will need at least 280,000 more trained workers to install the forecast 490 GW of new wind power capacity coming online over the next five years. Of the 480,000 GWO trained workers required worldwide, 308,000 will be deployed to construct and maintain onshore wind projects and 172,000 are needed for offshore wind.

Report summary

By combining historic training data, onshore and offshore installation capacity forecasts, key market insights and our in-depth understanding of health and safety in the global wind industry, we have been able to accurately model the future demand for GWO-trained personnel over the next five years - a critical period in the path to Net-Zero. The model – and the presented forecasts – will be regularly refined as more data becomes available and as the pace of capacity growth accelerates.

For already large wind markets like the US and China, scaling up training capacity can provide new job opportunities and increase productivity through the recognition of GWO standards. Emerging economies will need to develop their safety and technical training networks from the ground up to ensure alignment with global safety systems to ensure the long-term sustainability of the industry.

Overall, there is significant untapped potential for the training and industrial education supply chain in countries across the world, and organisations in scope to deliver the additional training capacity needed can develop GWO programmes now to meet this future demand.

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Global Wind Workforce Outlook