Global Wind Organisation is a non-profit owned by globally leading wind turbine manufacturers and owners. Together, we create safety and technical training standards for wind energy employers which are administered via a global certification framework.
To support growth in the global network of training providers, GWO is holding Auditor Qualification Training in the United States.
Over 280 GWO training centres have been certified since 2012. Demand in the US from employers for GWO standard training is increasing and we expect significant growth over the coming decade, particularly as offshore wind takes off.
GWO training centres are certified according to the GWO Criteria for Training Providers.
Certification bodies must be accredited to ISO17021 and/or 17065 and be able to document the competence of your audit team to perform an audit against the relevant GWO standard.
GWO Auditor Qualification Training provides expert tuition into those specific competencies relating to our standards.