December 13, 2023

GWO Announces WINDA Credit Price Rise, Effective 1st April 2024

IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR TRAINING PROVIDERS. The credit fee for WINDA will be updated at 12:00 PM CET 1st April 24 (Copenhagen, CET). All purchases on or after that point will be at the revised levels. Credits purchased before may be redeemed according to GWO’s normal terms and conditions.

Today GWO's Board of Directors has confirmed  a one time 10% increase in the cost of WINDA Credit Fees effective on 1st April 2024.

When WINDA was created in 2016, the applicable global credit price was €10. On January 1, 2020, the basis for the calculation of the WINDA credit fee was changed from a universal rate to a country by country fee benchmarked against the UN Human Development Index (HDI). This provided an objective pricing mechanism for a globally standardised product. Following that adjustment, we have maintained our credit fees in line with the UN HDI. However, as GWO continues to expand its global footprint and enhances the scope of its work,  the organisation has incured additional costs. In summary the drivers for the adjustment are:

Inflation Mitigation. Over the past few years, inflation has impacted the costs of providing our services. This one-time adjustment will help us maintain pace with rising operational expenses while maintaining the value of the services we offer

Enhanced Quality Assurance. The wind industry is continuously evolving, and so are our training standards. The increase in fees will allow us to further invest in quality assurance measures to ensure that the training provided meets the highest standards of safety and efficiency.

Continuous Improvement. GWO is dedicated to ongoing improvements in the training and certification process. This fee adjustment will enable us to fund vital research and development efforts, ensuring that our standards remain at the forefront of industry needs.

Global Reach. As GWO certification and training continue to gain global recognition, we need to accommodate demand in new markets. The increased fees will help support our global expansion, making it easier for your organisation to reach further wind training markets.

A full list of WINDA Credit fees for all UN listed territories can be found here

The UN HDI is a benchmark of socio-economic life expectations in 250 territories across the world. For this increase the 2021/22 benchmarked fees form the basis for GWO WINDA Credit Fees. The full 20021-22  full report territory by territory can be found here  .